Autoresponder integration exists for the sole purpose of getting your attendee from the WebinarJam interface into your regular autoresponder. It’s a simple co-registration process. Here’s how to set it up.
I. How To Create A List
1. From the ‘Your Current Campaign’ dropdown, click on Create Campaign.

2. Enter a name for your Campaign.

3. Click the Create New Campaign button.
And you’re done!
In case you want to edit whether this campaign is double opt-in or single opt-in, click the gear icon at the top while your campaign is selected as the current campaign.
II. How To Add A Subscription Form
1. Make sure that you’ve selected the correct campaign as your current campaign at the top.

2. Move your mouse over Web Forms at the top and click on Create New.

3. Click on Popular, and then select the blank template.
4. Click the Apply button in the popup that appears.
5. By default, GetResponse already has both name and email fields. In case you want to add
a phone field, click on Custom Fields on the right.
6. Find the Phone field, and drag and drop it on the form.
7. Click on the Next Step button.
8. Enter a name for your form, and leave all other settings as is.
9. Click the Next Step button to save your form.
III. How To Integrate GetResponse with Webinar Jam
1. Edit your webinar, and open the Integrations tab.
2. On the Integrations tab, check the box for ‘Add registrants to my mailing list.’

3. Select GetResponse.
4. Grab the code for your subscription form from Get Response. To do that, Move your mouse over Web Forms at the top in your GetResponse account and click on Web Form List.

5. Click on View Source for your form.

6. Select ‘I will install my web form’ on the Publish tab.

7. Click on the Show HTML Code tab.

Make sure the ‘Include css styles’ option is set to off by clicking on it.

8. Copy the code and paste it into WebinarJam.

9. If you’re collecting the phone number as well, make sure you enter the name of the phone
field in the textbox. To find that in your code, look for this line:
<input type=”text” name=”custom_Phone” class=”wf-input wf-valid__length1to255__phone”></input>
Notice this part:
Enter custom_Phone in the text box.

Save the module and publish your webinar!