Setting Up Reminder Emails
Setting Up Reminder Emails
You don’t want your registrants forgetting about your webinar, so setting up the reminder emails under the Notifications tab (Marked #2 Below) is very important. There are a lot of options here, but to get your webinar started, we’re going to keep this simple.
With your converted WebinarJam session, the Notifications will be automatically configured exactly as they were in WebinarJam.
You’ll need to click “Email Notifications” (Marked #3 Below)
A pop-up like the one immediately below will appear. Click “Use Our Server”, then enter your name and your preferred email.
Now you’ll be able to add/edit your emails. In the image (Marked #4 Below) you see a blue box with “Immediately” in it. This indicates I have already added the email to go out immediately after registration.
To add an email, click “Add Email” and designate when you want it to go out. (Marked #5 Below) And save!
You’ll be able to send a test email to the email you registered with EverWebinar. The email will show the shortcodes #DATE# and #TIME# rather than the time you set up. (Marked #6 Below)
Once you finish adding emails and setting the delivery hours before and after the webinar, click confirm, then save and next
NOTE: While not discussed here, you may take additional verification steps allowing you to further edit your emails. To learn more about these options, visit our Knowledgebase Article on How to Edit Notifications
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