Rocking Registration!
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Rocking Registration!
Now time to build a rockstar EverWebinar Registration Page. Yes, with EverWebinar you can enable split-testing. However, in keeping with our Quick theme, we’re going to set up one registration page for now.
Choose a template – You can choose from several different templates. Use the slider to scroll down and see numerous options. (Marked #1 Below)
Preview – Click the eye to preview the template. (Marked #2 Below)
The next steps vary depending on which template you choose. Some may have videos, some a smaller 450×450 image, text, or a background image. You may have bullet points you can add or a video (We recommend YouTube videos if you use one! They cause the least amount of issues)
A quick and easy template is good!
Title – Give your Webinar a Good Title, so viewers will want to sign up. (Marked #3 Below)
Description – This is a short narrative about your webinar. (Marked #4 Below)
Background Image – You will want to press that Gray Button with a Picture Icon to upload your image. (Marked #5 Below)
Upload Button – When you click the upload button, you’ll be taken to this screen where you can choose one of the predefined images, or upload a custom image of your own. Simply click the arrows left or right to find the perfect image for you. You don’t have to worry about sizing the image correctly when you choose a predefined, so pick any one you like.
Button Text – Add a bit of text to your button (Marked #6 Below)
Video or Presenters with Details -Here are two more options, but you’ll skip those for right now. (Marked #7 Below)
You need at least email and name. So now it’s time to…
Confirm! (Marked #8 Below)
You can then click “Preview Registration Page”. Please note, as a preview the links will not work. After you have previewed the page, it’s time to save and next!
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