Configuring Your EverWebinar
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Configuring Your EverWebinar
The best place to start is at the beginning, the Configuration Tab, which sets up your EverWebinar.
In this chapter you’ll learn about
Let’s get started!
If you are a WebinarJam user, you’ll flip the switch at the top right to EverWebinar. From the tab options on the left, click New Webinar. Now, you are on the EverWebinar Configuration Tab and ready to go.
Converting a WebinarJam Session
Our first step is to convert an existing WebinarJam Session to EverWebinar.
- Click the pencil beside “Source of your evergreen webinar” (Marked #1 Below)
- Press the “Previous WebinarJam Live Session” Button (Marked #2 Below)
- Select a Webinar and Session from the two drop downs (Marked #3 Below)
NOTE: If you did not end your webinar correctly, you will not be able to convert it to EverWebinar, but you can use the YouTube link and set it up as “An External Video File”
- You can change from the YouTube player used by WebinarJam to the EverWebinar custom player (Marked #4 Below). However, this involves several extra steps and we want you to get started quickly. (Optional Read: Change to MP4)
- Click Confirm (Marked #5 Below)

Now that you have clicked Confirm, your previous WebinarJam session and everything that happened during will be converted to an EverWebinar. You will be able to edit the chat, change the offers, change the number of attendees and more!
But first, there are several more steps that need to be done before this EverWebinar will be ready to go, so let’s keep moving.
Basic Configuration
Now, we’re ready to configure your webinar. Since you’ve chosen a previous WebinarJam session, this is already filled in (see screenshot below). Let’s go over each one.
Webinar Name An easily recognizable name for your EverWebinar session. You’ll want to add a keyword or two so you can distinguish it from anything you might have that is similar. (Marked #1 Below)
Webinar Title The title that appears to the public. Choose an appealing title that grabs your audiences’ attention. (Marked #2 Below)
Webinar Description Add a description to help further interest people in registering for your webinar. (Marked #3 Below)
Webinar Language Do you speak a language other than English? Choose it here. Your webinar interface and pages will change to your language of choice. (Marked #4 Below)
Webinars on Demand You can list your EverWebinar on the WebinarJam OnDemand MarketPlace. For right now, let’s move on to scheduling your EverWebinar sessions.
EverWebinar Schedule
You’ll want to press the pencil (Marked #1 Below) to open up the EverWebinar Schedule… You’ll see lots of options!
Scheduling an EverWebinar is a bit different from scheduling a WebinarJam session. With the unique scheduling of EverWebinar, you can set up your promotion for monthly, weekly, even daily webinars. You can select specific days of the week and time zones based on what works best for your audience.
Webinar Schedule You can set up the schedule to have a webinar every day, every Monday, every Thursday, or multiple days per week. (Marked #2 Below)
NOTE: See the red box around the time? This is a warning for the user that without a time it will not save. Add a time and you can move to the next step.
After you’ve selected your date and time, you can select a time zone. To the right of #1, you’ll see a little gray bar that shows where you are on the Time Zone List. Scroll down to choose a time zone near you or add the EverWebinar only “The User’s Own Time Zone,” which will automatically detect the time zone near your registrants. See the image immediately below

Add Don’t forget to press the plus button or your webinar schedule will not get added! (Marked #3 Below)
Delete Knowing how to remove a scheduled date is as important as creating one. To delete one, simply press the trash can beside the date. (Marked #4 Below.)
Watch Yesterday’s Replay Some people are ready for your information right now. When you enable “Yesterday’s Replay” they are able to see a webinar instantly. However, as this is designed to look like a replay, chat will be disabled for those attendees. Since we want to make this EverWebinar ready for people who want to watch it immediately, turn it on! (Marked #5 Below.)
Just In Time Schedule Just in time requires a couple of different settings. Since you want to get started quickly, you are going to turn that off for right now. (Marked #6 Below.)
Displayed Schedule Here is where you can decide how many upcoming sessions are to be displayed in the registration page. The choice is yours. For this guide’s example, pick 2. This will display the upcoming webinar, and two available immediately after. (Marked #7 Below.)
Block Holidays You want your webinar to look real. Chances are slim that you are going to work on Holidays, so you wouldn’t necessarily be doing a webinar during those times, either. (Marked #8 Below.)
We have pre-blocked 4 dates. However, you can add more holidays or other days your audience would expect you to take off from doing a webinar
Short Notice Registration This setting allows you to block out today, today and tomorrow, etc. This allows your registrants time to get the email sequence, or any training series you are providing. For now, to get your webinar started, select do not block any days. (Marked #9 Below.)
Be sure to save the page by clicking the button at the Green bottom of the page. If it’s not green, then you may need to save a section again or have an error on your page.
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