Your Webinar Registration Page
Click the button to the right to print this chapter
Webinars that are scheduled for “Right Now” skip the Webinar registration page, because your invitees would need to go directly to the webinar room. Since you picked a “Schedule It” for later webinar, you are sent to this page to set up your webinar registration page.
Building Your Webinar Registration Page
Now time to build a rockstar WebinarJam Registration Page.
1) Choose a Template
You can choose from several different templates. Use the slider to scroll down and see numerous options. (Marked #1 Below)
If you want to change the way they are sorted, click the box that says “Newest at the top” and change it to “Best Converting”
2) Preview
While the thumbnails are nice, sometimes you will want to see what the design looks like as a full page. Click the eye to preview the template. (Marked #2 Below)
3) Select
When you mouse over a template you will see a “Select” button appear. Click the “Select” and then you can edit the template. Once it has been selected you’ll see an orange check in the upper left of that template. (Marked #3 Below)
4) Customize
Press this button to start customizing your webinar registration page template. (Marked #4 Below)
Customizing Your Registration Page!
The next steps vary depending on which template you choose. Some may have videos, some have a smaller image to the side, text, or a background image. Read What Size Does My Image Need to Be?
You may have bullet points you can add or a video. (We recommend YouTube videos if you use one! They cause the least amount of issues.)
We recommend a quick and easy template for right now!
For Jamming with Friends, we used the one with the beach scene template. We have it displayed to the right.

Once you press “Customize and Use Template,” you’ll see the screen below.
1) Title
Give your Webinar a good title, so viewers will want to sign up like “Hey Friends! Join me in a Jam Session.” In future webinars, you want the name to be something that will appeal to your registrants. Note: most titles are limited to 50 characters. (Marked #1 Above)
2) Background Image
You will want to press that Gray Button with a Picture Icon to upload your image. Click the pencil if you want to change the image. (Marked #2 Above)
* NOTE * the image to the left will not change.
Selecting an Image
When you click the “Select” button, you’ll be taken to this screen where you can choose one of the predefined images, or upload a custom image of your own. Simply use the right side scroll . You don’t have to worry about sizing the image correctly when you choose a predefined, so pick any one you like.
3) Button Text
Add a bit of text to your button like “Join Now!” (Marked #3 Above)
We’re not going to display a video, but if we did, we would use the YouTube link. YouTube is encoded to work with the program.
4) Registration Form Requirements
You must choose name and email, but phone number is optional. (Marked #4 Above)
We don’t recommend requiring the phone number as this can prevent some people from registering.
5) Preview
You can then click “Preview Registration Page”. Please note, as a preview the links will not work. Preview also does not work if you are using a custom registration page (Marked #5 Above)
6) Save!
If the page is set up how you like, click “Save!” (Marked #6 Above)
After you have previewed the page, it’s time to click Proceed! which will then be green.
Part of Jamming With Friends: Webinar Setup
The Previous Chapter Setting Up Webinar Presenters
The Next Chapter is Setting Up Notifications